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"The most advanced discord bot for retrieving questing-related statistics from Hypixel."

Questify uses image-processing and packs all the statistics inside the image, instead of plain text.

It's all made possible by the component-based image system that I developed.
Images use Parent, Grid, Text, Container and Image components.

Everything adjusts itself based on the width and height of other components and other customizable settings.

Questify's Tech Stack

aiohttp: Asyncronous requests
aiomysql: Asyncronous MySQL queries
mysql-connector-python: Non asynchronous MySQL queries
Pillow: Image Manipulation
matplotlib: Plotting charts
numpy: Data
pandas: Utilities & Data
humanfriendly: Time formatting
colorama: Terminal output in colour
requests: Non asyncronous requests
redis: For leaderboards


Discord Servers that Questify is in: 656
Users that have verified their Minecraft account with Questify: 1,318
Players stored in Questify's database: 95,159
Total Leaderboards: 485+



Preview of Questify Preview of Questify
Preview of Questify

This image shows the integration of a matplotlib graph with my image-component system.
In Discord, there would be a button to switch to a Bar Chart.

Preview of Questify
Preview of Questify

This is a redis query finding the top 10 players from the daily quest leaderboard.
Each player is assigned with a random number to represent them in the redis queries which links to their UUID.